Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hitting the ground running....

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Throughout my day I come across many inspirational sayings. Sayings that invoke a spark of energy that tends to linger...and I wonder to myself: "Do I trust myself to take the chance?", "Do I have what it takes?" The fear of failure along with its companion, embarrassment, has always held me back. In its place I have watched from the sidelines instead of objecting myself to the vulnerability of experiencing something new and worth the challenge.

I choose to change this!

With my new lease on life and with rejuvenated vigor I am going to attempt my very first 5k run this weekend with my husband. Of course my very first question to my husband Michael was "What do I wear?" Nothing screams athleticism than that right?  Of course I continue to mentally run through my closet trying to think of the perfect pink shirt to match my laces on my sneakers. Yet again, my athleticism is the highlight of our conversation. Let's just hope my thoughts do not invoke what you see below :)


US Secret Service 5K Road Race 2012

Tampa Bay Times Forum

Saturday, May 19, 2012 @ 8:00 AM

In support of "Concerns of Police Survivors"

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