Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Birthday Celebrations

Sometimes I am a melting pot of jargon with so much to say, my mind racing at top speed to contemplate something considered witty and comical to share into the conversation at hand that all the while the pressure I have created myself leaves me in complete and utter silence. When did I create this inward silence at the mere thought of conversing? Worry. That's what I do, I worry continuously that the words that come flying out of my mouth are not the right ones, that something else could have been said in that lingering absence that I somehow created. Or even worse the thought as the poor subject of my conversation walks away thinking "what? who says that? hmmm? awkward?"

Don't get me wrong I can carry a conversation. I do not have a fear of conversing in the least. I chuck it up to comparing this situation to the formation of a zit, you never know when it's going to form and once it does you are trying everything and anything to get rid of it.

Somehow this leads me to my birthday weekend, it will all get tied together (well in one way or another). And yes I said weekend. The Hubby believes in celebrations, as in it doesn't really matter what we are celebrating, as long as there is a good time and good people The Hubby is there. The Hubby took me on a romantic sailboat excursion in St. Petersburg. Pizza, beer, dolphins and a beautiful sunset=nothing could be better! We also ventured to the Dali Museum, which I was truly excited about for I have never been. I'm usually not a fan of surrealist artists, but as we joined a tour, our tour guide (who was extraordinary) enlightened my need for knowledge of the humanities world once more. If you haven't been I suggest you make the time to pay the museum a visit.

Monday, my actual birthday, I went to work as usual. Except when I walked into my office it was full-on decorated with balloons, ribbons, cupcakes and cookies. I just loved it! The day flew by and when I came home I was welcomed with birthday cards and a gift from The Hubby. Nothing could have been more fantastic, and I was simply wrong. The Hubby always has tricks up his sleeves when I'm least expecting them. We walked into the restuarant and low and behold our friends were all waiting for us to arrive! It was the best birthday by far.
Although because I was seated at one end of the table and my girlfriends at another end, it made it quite difficult to carry a conversation. What do you say clear across the table with everyone listening? Hence where the beginning of this post. For the first 5-10 minutes I sat in utter silence, maybe at the mere thought that everyone came out to dinner just for me (a little overwhelmed with such love) and the pressure to hold conversation with everyone. Luckly for me there is that one person who says the most awkward thing and a silence falls over everyone, so I am no longer alone on the silence train! CHOO CHOO!

Dexter found a new friend!

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