Monday, May 21, 2012

To Be Limitless

For my first 5k experience, I believe I did fairly well. I didn't trip over my own feet, I didn't run into anyone, I didn't venture off into uncharted territory and I was able to keep up with the general pace ...Well that was until 20 minutes had passsed, I was out of breath and I was thirsty for anything! Have I mentioned I live in Florida where is it unbearably hot around 9am, combine the heat with my attempt at running and we have a recipe for a possible disaster.

With every step I took my mind began to wander to "Where is the finish line?" "How much longer?"

Luckly for me, my loving husband was with me every small step I took. It may have taken me all of 35 minutes to complete the 3 miles, but I feel a sense of accomplishment with those 35 minutes. It's a starting pace. Shockingly I even beat a few people across that finish line!

What I have learned from my first experience is that I may not have enjoyed the run at the moment but the ending resulting has me.....

Running for the Future!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hitting the ground running....

Pinned Image
Throughout my day I come across many inspirational sayings. Sayings that invoke a spark of energy that tends to linger...and I wonder to myself: "Do I trust myself to take the chance?", "Do I have what it takes?" The fear of failure along with its companion, embarrassment, has always held me back. In its place I have watched from the sidelines instead of objecting myself to the vulnerability of experiencing something new and worth the challenge.

I choose to change this!

With my new lease on life and with rejuvenated vigor I am going to attempt my very first 5k run this weekend with my husband. Of course my very first question to my husband Michael was "What do I wear?" Nothing screams athleticism than that right?  Of course I continue to mentally run through my closet trying to think of the perfect pink shirt to match my laces on my sneakers. Yet again, my athleticism is the highlight of our conversation. Let's just hope my thoughts do not invoke what you see below :)


US Secret Service 5K Road Race 2012

Tampa Bay Times Forum

Saturday, May 19, 2012 @ 8:00 AM

In support of "Concerns of Police Survivors"

Monday, May 14, 2012

When One Door Closes....

Another opens.

A door in many ways represents endless possibilities, opportunities that should be taken, otherwise we miss out on what could have been something worthwhile. Something that could have changed the way we view our world or the amazing experience those chances bring us.

I have decided to (excuse the expression) take the bull by the horns and live life to the fullest, to the best of my ability.  No more wondering. I want to see the world through renewed eyes and so my journey begins.

Welcome to the ride; so, sit back, kick up your heels and join me on an endless adventure of limitless possibilities.