Or so I tell myself that I have learned from the following list. And since I am officially an ADULT and there is no changing the fact that I am now
over a quarter-century old, I figured I would share some of my life lessons:
1. My dog and I have riveting and enlightening conversations. In reality I am talking to myself, this much I am aware of (well in all honestly sometimes I am aware and acknowledge it). Which is rather interesting that I can carry on such a lengthy conversation with myself.
2.Maturity is being able to stay home by yourself with all electronics off being able to read a book or doing something creative and feel absolutely fantastic being with yourself.
3. Friends may come and go but family will always be there (whether you ask for them or not) Family are the best lifelong friends you can ever have, for they truly know you, love and cherish you just as you are.
4. Live life as if its your last day, you just never know what tomorrow may bring. Love endlessly and without regard. The good, the bad and the ugly, embrace it all and cherish those who love you unconditionally for they are hard to come by.
5. "Either shit or get off the pot" -My mother. I pretty much believe this needs no explanation. Thanks Mom!
6. If you can't stand in your heels, most likely you shouldn't attempt to go out in them either. I mean unless you prefer to look as though you are baby giraffe just learning how to walk, if that is the case, rock those heels as if you are on the cat-walk honey!
7. Patience is a virtue. I am currently still working on gaining more patience but honestly its just taking flipping forever and I may just give up on the notion. Is that considered impatient?
8. Everything can be made okay with a spoon and a big bowl of ice cream. Seriously it can! Nothing in this world cannot be fixed with a bowl of ice cream. Try it. The trifecta of emotion can be knocking on your door and suddenly with one scoop the world seems just a tad bit calmer and less hectic. Now, have you ever seen someone angry eating ice cream? That's because it's physically impossible!
9. The world is not user-friendly- I recommend a manicure, an umbrella and some rain boots. It may get messy.
10. Forever Young is not just a title of an magnificent song by an 80's rock god (Yes, I consider Rod Stewart apart of the 80's-awesome-ness, some may disagree). Getting back to the main point of #10, in essence I believe preserving our youth= drinking lots and lots of water. Who's down with H20?
11. Society lures you to become materialistic. Don't fall into their malice web of dissent for materialism will not bring you happiness when you are 85 years old and are no longer able to drive therefore buying that Ferrari Enzo that sits so nicely in your garage was most likely a mistake.
12. Life doesn't need to be perfect in order for it to be wonderful. Start taking a step back and a deep breath and acknowledge what beauty is surrounding you.
13. Traveling is a must! Especially with a partner in crime (aka my Hubby!)
14. Kissing in the rain is not as romantic as it appears in the movies aka running mascara and eyeliner is not attractive.
15. Nothing can make you feel as though you are 8 years old, like a swing and a playground.
16. Sleep...lots and lots of sleep!
17. "A great many things can be resolved with kindness and even more with laughter, but there are some things that just require cake."
18. Be sure to celebrate the small things in life, good friends, bright days, sprinkles, and anything that has a cherry on top!
19. "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination
encircles the world."-Albert Einstein
20. I hold a strong belief that either Denzel Washington or Bruce Willis could save me if I was ever kidnapped or held hostage (the luckily-hood of such an occurrence=very slim). Their past records have spoken for themselves, even if its only in the movies.
21. The past cannot be unwritten nor changed, all you can do is learn from it and move forward. Holding onto the past will only hurt your future.
22. The older you get the more comfortable you become in your own skin.
23. What you see as flaws; others only see as perfections (i.e freckles).
24. There is something to be learned from Mary Poppins, for she is practically perfect in every way.
25. The sun will come out tomorrow (figuratively or literally).